Our Pet People

Pet Theft Reform's Dog Ambassador
Age: 6 1/2 years old
Breed: Miniature Schnauzer
Colour: Salt and Pepper
I’ve been with my humans since I was 12 weeks old.
My first family said my legs were too long to be a show dog but my new family love my long legs!
I like most food including vegetables but my favourite is chicken and any treats.
​I love walking, running and getting cuddles.
I love soft fluffy toys but my unicorn is my favourite.
I don’t like the rain and hate to get my feet wet!
I don’t like the weather too hot.
My humans made me the face of #PetTheftReform because my brothers from another mother were stolen in 2006. They understand the devastation and heartbreak and we want it to stop.
I got extra chicken during the photo shoot for the poster.
I’m proud to be ambassador of the Pet Theft Reform campaign and excited that Dog Abduction will be a specific crime in the Kept Animal Bill but sad that cats are being left out - really I am!!!

Aka Picklicious Fatkins the First
Pet Theft Reform's Cat Ambassador
Age: 6 years old
Colour: Tortoiseshell
Weight: 10.5Lbs of pure love, allegedly
Fostered at 4.5 years old but I won over the family with my big green eyes and cuddles.
I was saved from a stressful life surrounded by my kittens and my kitten’s kittens – 15 in total! – with no access to a litter tray, no adequate nutrition and barely any natural light.
My favourite toy is Mr T the Taco.
I’m a big fan of a mid-day snooze.
Apparently, my purr is “deafening” when I cuddle up on the sofa but I don’t hear a thing.
I joined Pet Theft Reform because cats are every much a part of the family as dogs. We are intelligent, sensitive creatures and deserve protection.
@PickiciousF - My Official Twitter